كافة التجهيزات و المستلزمات الطبية
Introduction :
Based in Amman, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Technomedics is regarded as one of the fastest growing and most aggressive Medical Marketing Companies.
It’s Product range covers the needs of the various Hospital Departments, Such as Surgery, OB/Gyn, Anesthesia, ICU and Laboratory.
Technomedics is a part of the Aggad Group of Jordan, with activities covering a diversified portfolio of products and services such as Manufacturing, Franchising, Marketing and Real Estate.
Our sister companies in Jordan are:-
1. United Marketers (Unimark) Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).
2. Aggad Commercial complex.
Marketing & Sales Operation :
Technomedics has highly qualified employees of multicultural and multidiscipline backgrounds and talents, covering Hospital Design and Equipping, Sales and Marketing, Material Management, Maintenance, Accounting, Finance and Human Resources.
With the main offices in Amman, the company maintain active contact with all potential customers in Jordan and the West Bank.
As a primary Supplier of Laboratory, Medical, Surgical product line, Technomedics is registered with the Ministry of Health, The Royal Medical Services (DRMS), UNRWA and the Purchasing Departments of Public Sectors. The company actively participates in Government Tenders and daily inquiries. Among other markets, Technomedics also services Private Hospitals, Polyclinics and Laboratories.
هاتف 395 32 55(6)(962)+ ، فاكس 294 33 55(6)(962)+ Tel.:962-6-55 32 395 – Fax :962 – 6- 55 33 294
ص . ب 1437 عمان 11953 الاردن P.O.Box 1437 Amman 11953 Jordan
E-Mail :info@technomedics.jo
In order to serve the above markets, Technomedics has warehousing facilities where the daily consumer and professional needs are stocked as regular items.
As well as calling on the Medical profession daily, Technomedics marketing activities include holding Seminars, Conducting Workshops, Performing Customer Training Sessions, Participating in local and International Medical Shows.
Business Philosophy & Future Orientation :
Technomedics driving force centers around high quality customer services. Each employee is trained and encouraged to “ Think like a customer ”.
During the next 3 years, Technomedics plans to achieve a significant increase in it’s sales volume and be among the leading medical marketing companies in Jordan.
This going to be achieved by :
1. Seeking the representation of high profile
manufacturers in the various medical lines .
2. Hiring additional staff in the various disciplines, Sales and Marketing and Maintenance.
3. Proving distinguished after sales services and ensuring customer satisfaction.
How to reach us :
For further information, Please write to :-
Technomedical Co. Ltd.
P.O.Box 1437
Tla’a Al-Ali - 11953
Amman - Jordan
Tel. # : ++ 962 (06) 55 32 395
Fax # : ++ 962 (06) 55 33 294
Company Name
Medical Equipment:-
Type of Products
Datascope U.S.A. * Monitoring system, bedside monitors, NIBP monitors.
ERBE Germany * Electrosurgery, physiotheray, Ophthalmology
ATMOS Germany * E.N.T units, Suction pumps
Fujinon Germany * Flexible Endoscopy System
Nonin U.S.A. * Pulse oximeters, Capnographs
Angelantoni Italy * Blood bank refrigerators, Mortuary chambers
Medtronic USA Defibrilators.Gastro,Uro Equipm
زيارة الموقع
- العنوان : عمان - شارع وصفي التل - مجمع العقاد التجاري
- الهاتف : +962-6-5532395
- الجوال: No Data
- الفاكس: +962-6-5533294
- البريد الالكتروني : info@technomedics.jo
- الموقع الالكتروني : No Data